A server is simply a type of computer for storing, managing, processing information and “serves” in the requests that users perform from their computers. There are different types of server. Here we discuss mainly about cloud and dedicated server. Each have their advantages and disadvantages, so let’s try to see what is the difference between cloud vs dedicated servers.
In a cloud computing/cloud hosting infrastructure you can implement a number of instances of servers, load balancers, networks, firewalls, etc in few minutes. This is unthinkable in dedicated servers, which normally takes between 24 to 48 hours as a minimum to have active service.
The basic philosophy of Cloud Computing is to pay for the resources you use, nothing more. If you need more time for X number of resources (memory, disk, CPU, etc) you can expand your instances virtually instantly and once completed return to normal. This is a great advance on a dedicated server, which from the outset you hire a physical machine with specific resources that can be missing (probably) or come a moment in which remain short and enlargement of parts is more laborious.
Prices and Costs
This point is closely related to scalability. It is assumed that it will always be more expensive to hire a dedicated server that host a project in the cloud. This is due to the fact that while in the cloud you need more resources in accordance with the hiring them, in a dedicated server you must have from a principle of fixed resources, use them or not. However this point can vary by project, requirements, etc.
Administration of your infrastructure
Most hosting providers offer the possibility of hiring a full dedicated server + administration package. This implies that the supplier is responsible for the implementation of the server, services and grant support to any problems you find. On the other hand, most providers do not offer Cloud Computing Management Service, which implies that you are the maintainer of your virtual machines hosted on the cloud.
High Availability
The Cloud Computing is the panacea for high availability, not depend directly on the hardware possibilities stop due to physical failures are reduced by almost 99%, except special cases like in case of our virtual instances replicated in different data centers would make impossible a chance to drop by physical failures. However, on a dedicated servers are subject to any physical problem: disk failures (to avoid always need to hire dedicated servers with hardware raid), failure of power supply, memory, etc. The servers with redundant components tend to get quite expensive.
In performance issues is likely to dedicated server wins. You know that you do not share your physical infrastructure with any other customer, you have 100% hardware for you, while you can always a “piece of cake” like other customers hosted on the cloud, scattered along X number of servers.
Security and Privacy
This point would be more focused on the fact bring applications to the cloud instead of keeping them in hardware (office applications, accounting, email …). You do not know the level of security of the cloud and your data may be available to anyone in case of a security breach.
Hope you have server support these points to make clear about the benefits of each option. In the end, it is best to try it for yourself and choose the best option for your needs.