GameStop closes the possibility of booking the Playstation 4

It seems that things in the world of video games move at speeds of heart and although Nintendo is lagging behind in all this as we’ve said repeatedly, apparently the other manufacturers do not lose one, and although admittedly have been quite controversial presentations of new generation of Sony and Microsoft consoles, have not been hearing anything about not getting change at the end and you have diminished expectations of purchase, is more of the same will speak today pretty amazing news.

playstation 4

And today we learned that GameStop closes the possibility of booking the Playstation 4 and not as with the Wii U price directly down because they interfered on their shelves and took up space that could take high-demand devices, but because the company has stated that it really can not cope.

Precisely for this reason, all those who have already made a booking can probably when Sony announces the launch official Playstation 4 to boast of being the first of his group to have the innovative console, and the rest, And the rest, will have to wait because this step all indicates that the problem of GameStop not accepting reservations is more character avalanche to a matter that the company does not know to organize, which would not surprise in the coming weeks are others which take similar initiatives. It seems that Sony has hit the mark.