There came the connected suitcase for that every travelling lover of the technology has been looking for

Developments in when connected devices are at their highest point, where we’ve seen all kinds of accessories and products that some have decided to label as “smart” as one of its features is the ability to transmit information from one or more devices wirelessly.


It is now as we know the Pluggage project, which many would consider the perfect suitcase, because it integrates everything needed to enjoy our trip without the ever-present concern of a possible loss of baggage and other functions which are always well received in those moments when we leave home to another destination.

Pluggage, connected suitcase and with trip information
But Pluggage isn’t the first connected suitcase that we know, as have been other developments looking to having our luggage control at all times, the difference is that it contains a lot of functions that its creators have decided to vote in place, because there are so many that it would be impossible to put them all in a suitcase, plus the cost would skyrocket.

We are talking about a design by the French manufacturer Desley, who mentioned that has taken them two years to create this suitcase. It should be mentioned that the Developments in when connected devices are at their highest point, where we’ve seen all kinds of accessories and products that some have decided to label as “smart” as one of its features is the ability to transmit information from one or more devices wirelessly.

It is now as we know the Pluggage project, which many would consider the perfect suitcase, because it integrates everything needed to enjoy our trip without the ever-present concern of a possible loss of baggage and other functions which are always well received in those moments when we leave home to another destination.

Pluggage, connected suitcase and with trip information
But Pluggage isn’t the first connected suitcase that we know, as have been other developments looking to having our suitcase control at all times, the difference is that it contains a lot of functions that its creators have decided to vote in place, because there are so many that it would be impossible to put them all in a suitcase, plus the cost would skyrocket.

We are talking about a design by the French manufacturer Desley, who mentioned that has taken them two years to create this suitcase. It should be mentioned that the features are not completely independent and require (yes, you guessed it) of our smartphone that will always remain in contact with suitcase through an application designed especially for the occasion.

This is how we find ourselves with a meter of integrated weight that will help us to know through a sensor the total weight of our suitcase and thus not pay additional charges for excess baggage on airlines. The case could also integrate a charging port for our devices, on the other hand always have contact with suitcase and even warn us through a notification when you are already on the plane.

Interior light to always display their content as well as a fingerprint reader to have an extra layer of security that goes hand in hand with a watchful opening, which will indicate if the suitcase was opened at some point of the journey. As if that were not enough, we will be able to form so that the suitcase provides to us information of our flight, like hour of exit and terminal, destination information and travel tips, such as points of interest and recommendations of the place that we are visiting. It could also incorporate a speaker to listen to our favorite music at all times.

Pluggage is just a prototype and need to know much of the operation and its components. Its makers seek it for sale but with the most votes features on the site, which may not be a bad idea but it would be better to offer the option to customize according to our needs, because if they ultimately decide to commercialize some of the integrated functions, some will be left out, same that could be helpful to others.

Definitely Pluggage is a great idea for those who travel and want to have control of your suitcase as well as a good additional feature that add to the experience, now we just need to know the date of the closing of the polls and most importantly, the final sale price. features are not completely independent and require (yes, you guessed it) of our smartphone that will always remain in contact with suitcase through an application designed especially for the occasion.

This is how we find ourselves with a meter of integrated weight that will help us to know through a sensor the total weight of our suitcase and thus not pay additional charges for excess baggage on airlines. The case could also integrate a charging port for our devices, on the other hand always have contact with suitcase and even warn us through a notification when you are already on the plane.