Virtual Education: Technology applied to the study

For several years, there is much talk about how technology can affect teaching, especially if the user is effective or not. Some think that education should develop face to face as always been taught, others think that online education is the future for training in academies and universities to distance.

Virtual Education

Distance education is characterized in that the student does not have to physically attend the classroom. The learning center is responsible for sending the student for study materials; these may be books, CD-ROMs, videos, etc… And the student is responsible for returning homework and exams resolved. This does not always happen because sometimes schools require students to sit examinations or delivery of certain jobs.

Today, internet is a very useful tool because we can see blogs and platforms such as Moodle through which we can develop a better preparation of the study that we are studying. Learning that develops through new communication technologies so we can call such as e-learning and we can already find entire careers through this modality.

New technologies are increasingly used by students who are hard to reach or a great distance to the school. Although this activity takes effort distance is the same as in classroom education or perhaps evens more, because the level of distraction is usually higher. Sometimes it takes cafes and distraction of a pet or a TV sound can distract the student.

The main advantages of distance masters are; able to study any time of day or night because many of the students who choose this method do so because studies have occupied most of the day either for work or for other such events. It is less expensive than the classroom since there are no travel expenses, accommodation or food. The student has explanations by the teacher in a personalized way, so the student is left with clear ideas. The study e-learning is the future of many people who because of physical disability or economic could not receive the desired studies.

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