Philips dimming kit, vary the intensity of the bulbs without specific installation

Philips Hue Dimming Kit

Philips brand developed over many years of lighting solutions for businesses and individuals. Having recently launched the Hue range, remote controlled lights, and the manufacturer simplifies the way to vary the intensity of light in the marketing Dimming Kit. The Dimming kit consists of two devices: the bulb and remote control. It is completely ready to use, simply screw the bulb of the kit in place of your old model and control wireless and remotely with the included remote control. No change to the existing electrical installation is necessary.

A 10 Minute Guide to Responsive Web Design

responsive web design

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned web professional, creating a web design that is responsive can be very confusing. But because more and more consumers are surfing the web using mobile devices, it’s imperative that you have a responsive web design that shows your website correctly to users no matter what devices they’re using. Here is a short guide for helping you make sure your site’s design is responsive. Optimize the Layout of the Content The first order of business is to optimize the layout of the content. When…

Using Security Cameras in the Workplace

using security cameras

The majority of businesses nowadays have at least one security camera installed so that they can monitor and protect their property as well as their merchandise. Security cameras are very the helpful when it comes to managing a remote area. You can install the camera in one place and monitor the location from somewhere else. There are many businesses around the world that make use of security cameras because they are helpful for multiple situations such as theft, misconduct, etc. Various Types of Cameras Not all businesses are alike, and…

Confidential Customer Information: Are You Managing This Data Correctly And Securely?

managing data correctly

Do you run a business or organization that deals with confidential customer information? If so, the onus is on you to ensure that sensitive data gets kept in a safe and secure manner. The trouble is; many businesses fail to take adequate steps to do so. And if those firms ever get hacked, that sensitive data will soon get made public. You might think that these problems only affect small businesses and organizations. But large corporations and even government departments get affected by these problems too!

Know the System Maintaining a Suitable Backdrop for FIFA Online


Playing the FIFA on the online play station appears as the popular way to earn better businesses. Therefore, you need to select the suitable brand and the accurate category that would help you to develop a better business outlook. Know the status of the coins that you can avail continuing the procedure. It involves an online purchase method that consumes much less time to complete the shopping. You can buy cheap FIFA 15 coins that help you to achieve the ultimate benefits playing the FIFA football. Ensure that the particular…

IBM and Apple partner to bring iOS to the corporate world

ibm and apple partner

IBM will partner exclusively with Apple to sell iPhones and iPads equipped with applications for business customers from the fall, the company announced yesterday. The announcement, which comes two days before IBM reports its results of the second quarter, comes as the firm intends to focus on software and services while their hardware unit continues to face problems, and after a series of acquisitions of software for mobile devices.

The cloud storage: adding value to information

cloud storage service

At a time when the information produced daily in the network exceeds 2.5 quintillion bytes, according to IBM, companies are forced to find models for managing and storing information. This is possible by means of virtual servers to which we have permanent access from internet. This explains the increase in utilization in the business field of cloud storage services, in which the company buys or rents (to companies operating virtual servers) a particular accommodation capacity. This model, usually operated by third parties, has replaced the data storage on dedicated servers…

What is Web Hosting?

types of web hosting

Most of us have heard the term “web hosting”, but how many of us know what it actually is? If you are an individual or business and you want a website to promote yourself, you must deal with a web hosting company in order to publish your site. When you consult a web hosting company, they give you the tools and information that you need to make your website live on the World Wide Web. Many web hosting companies offer a wide range of features, but all of them have…

Why use a premium wordpress theme for a law firm website


These days, the presence of a website is a necessity for every brand and business. This has spread towards service rendering sectors such as legal services. The reason for this is quite easy to trace; a website for any law firm is an excellent way to drive traffic towards the firm. Leads will readily be generated more easily to a law firm with an online presence than one which doesn’t have one. However, the presence of the website is not enough on its own as this website has to catch…

Facebook adds buttons to ask personal data

facebook button ask

Though exposure we’ve gone from the creation of Facebook, some people still prefer to hide certain aspects of their personal lives in their profiles. For those curious, who no longer know that other prefer to keep secret, there is a new way to find out: buttons to ask. The platform is testing this new tool, according to the U.S. portal Business Insider, so it is not even visible to all the members. There was also no official announcement from the developers. The function is simple: just press a button where…