Why Cloud Hosting/Backup Is Better Than Standard Hosting

cloud hosting

If you’ve been paying attention to how the Internet is constantly changing, you’ve probably taken notice of cloud technology and how it’s revolutionizing the way we do business. Cloud technology has a wide array of benefits that traditional standard hosting can’t compare to. Soon, standard web hosting will be a thing of the past and cloud technology will be the mainstream way to host and backup important files. As a matter of fact, you can already see how cloud technology is taking over as a mainstream server technology. Cloud Hosting…

Save Your Video from Getting Banned – Get Safe YouTube Views

youtube views

The 21st century tech savvy scenario has been successful in changing a lot of things for us. The virtual world is the place for us to go to for whatever it is that we want – be it shopping, reading, banking, socializing and the like. The same goes for the arena of entertainment as well. No more do we depend on our old stereos or tape recorders to listen to our favorite music. We simply log on to video sharing sites and enjoy not only the musical notes but the…

How to Get More YouTube Views and Subscribers

Get More YouTube Views

Are you a business or any professional who has set out into the global platform to make it big? Well, if you are then it is quite obvious that online presence and internet marketing are the means of marketing, promoting and branding your company or self. This is where globally acclaimed websites like You Tube come in to picture. This is one website where you can upload unlimited videos relating to your work or profession. All that you need to do is to get a good video made, upload it…

Why An EPEAT Certified Pro Laptop Is The Way To Go

epeat certified pro laptop

When shopping for a new laptop, there are a multitude of options. Often, the consumer has a checklist of features that the new product should have. There is one particularly important feature that may make or break a buyer’s decision to purchase or to keep looking. The important feature is whether or not the computer is certified by EPEAT, the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool. So, what is EPEAT certification all about? EPEAT is a system that aids buyers in finding products that are environmentally friendly in their existence, usage,…

Structured data and rich snippet of Google – All you need to know about them

structured data

Rich Snippets are an essential part of attracting more traffic from the search results of Google. In reality, SEO will hardly matter if your clients see the description that does not match with what they are looking for. One or two lines of the text that appears under the search results will have to give the search engine users a sense of what is there on your search page and why it is appropriate to their requirements. However, Google does not seem to know which parts of a page are…

Nike rethinking its strategy in technology to wear

electronic bracelet Fuelband

The company lay off a part of the team developing the Fuelband wristband, but refuses to withdraw from the market for wearables technologies with competitors such as Samsung and LG, together with the possible arrival of Apple. Despite being one of the pioneers in implementing technology in physical activities, Nike decided to discontinue making their electronic bracelet Fuelband after announcing the dismissal of 70 employees of the computer hardware manufacturing. In turn, the Oregon-based company devoted their efforts in developing software of the technology segment for clothing.

Drones, balloons and satellites, the recipe of Facebook to connect the world

drones for facebook

The leader of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, a group of experts in computer science, aeronautics and aerospace technology that are developing systems to carry Internet everywhere on the planet. Technicians, some of whom passed before NASA or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), studying the use of drones (small helicopters) and satellites can transmit Internet signals using infrared lasers. The team is part of the initiative internet.org by Zuckerberg in 2013 in collaboration with Nokia, Samsung and Qualcomm, among other companies, which aims to provide connectivity to 5000 million people living…

How is Steam OS, the system that seeks to compete with Microsoft and Sony

characteristics of SteamOS

Valve is one of the most important companies in the video game market. Its franchises include Half Life, Counter Strike, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress, but its main business is software that acts as the shop with that small and large game development companies may sell and distribute their products in a flexible and transparent manner. Steam was erected years ago as the choice more important when buying games in digital form. Far from content with the success of the platform, Valve redoubled its commitment to the growing entertainment…

Solutions for user-friendly catalog interface

There are thousands of reasons of why catalog permissions are required. There are thousand other known reasons why most of the websites today are making use of catalog browsing. These are in fact the most open – source e Commerce framework which offers the business owners a good control over the overall appearance, functionality, navigation and content of the entire website – making the overall experience a never before one! Benefits and uses of Catalog Permissions It integrates everything – Google shopping, Adwords integration, automation, CRM and other such technicalities.…

Guide for keeping backup of files online

online backup process

With change in time and technology people have started saving all the information on computers, laptop etc. Now all the things and information are on systems for example pictures, documents, songs and movies etc. Many of people don’t regularly take backup of files so creating online backup is a blessing for all of us. By creating online backup of important documents prepares the user for the worst. If hard drive fails the computer user has access to data on a click of mouse. Now when the data is stored online…