Tips for Creating a Customer Referral Program

customer referral program

Most experienced marketers would readily admit that word-of-mouth marketing is the most powerful form of marketing. Nothing compels a customer more than a recommendation from a friend or a family member. This is the reason why most successful marketing campaigns involve a hefty amount of word-of-mouth marketing. Some businesses are entirely built upon word-of-mouth, such as Uber, AirBnb, and Dropbox. Marketing consulting agencies such as Primal encourage all businesses to include a customer referral program in overall strategy to drive word-of-mouth marketing.

Create an application that makeup you for videoconferencing

telebeauty app

A Japanese cosmetics firm has created an application for videoconferencing service Skype Business that makeup the interlocutor on screen to give a good image even if you do not use makeup or received an unexpected work call. The “app” TeleBeauty, developed by the Japanese company Shiseido in collaboration with Microsoft Japan, is designed for the branch of business telephony service through the internet and is not expected to create a variant for the free version or it reaches the abroad. The application allows users to choose from four shades of…

Facebook fights the ad blockers with ads that cannot be blocked

facebook fights ad blockers

At the end of last year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, warned investors of the danger posed by the rise of advertisements blockers, ad blockers, for the accounts of the social network. Now Facebook has begun to combat it with a new type of advertising that makes useless advertising developed by companies of software such as AdBlock, that yes, it allows the user to customize which ads the user wants to see. The company explains that when ads “are relevant and well done, can be useful to help us find new…

How to Do Digital Marketing on a Budget

digital marketing

Budgeting is a big issue for start-ups and small businesses. More often than not, new ventures find it extremely difficult to cover basic expenses. So, it’s not uncommon to find a start-up too strapped for cash to run a good digital marketing campaign. However, money should not be a big issue when it comes to marketing. The beauty of digital marketing is that it can benefit anyone, regardless of the budget. Digital marketing costs way less than traditional print marketing. Even a company with a limited budget can glean enormous…

Portable Arms Reduce Human Error on the Floor

portable arm

As metrology moves increasingly closer to the production floor, portable coordinate measuring machines like the ROMERare becoming must-have instruments. Portable arms live up to their name: they are lightweight and easy to transport from one site to another or through factory floors. Unlike large footprint metrology equipment, it easily fits through doors and can work around the activity of any shop. Its latest version, the ROMER Absolute Arm, has improved on previous models by including an encoder that assigns an absolute value to the position of the tool’s joints. This…

Plans to unite medical and smartphone technology

medical and smartphone technology

While researchers and scientists try to sprinting in their effort to achieve more effective vaccines or drugs to overcome various diseases, health centers face a changing scenario where telemedicine is opening up step. There is not to talk, only displays and more agile management of primary care systems. The consumer technology has strongly taken the scalpel of the future. It is time for innovation. And that some firms seeking scratch presence arising from consumer technology sector like Apple. During an interview, its CEO Tim Cook reeled off some of the…

How to optimize a target page or landing page?

optimize a target page

Landing pages or target page play an important role in securing traffic from a site; however, to fulfill this objective it must be designed according to certain factors that invite visitors to click on them. A destination site must be able to resolve the doubts of the visitor and show what the user is looking. Here are some tips to improve the performance of the destination pages: Improve Titles: When a user enters a page, check roughly whether the information sought, therefore, it is essential to achieve capture their attention…

MiraMagia Masterfully Combines Farming and Fantasy


Gamers have a lot of options when it comes to browser based games. One of the best strategy games of this type is this free browser game, in which players compete against others to create the most efficient and powerful railway business. For those who prefer farm simulation games, one of the most entertaining browser-based games in the genre is MiraMagia, which won MMO of the year in 2012. What makes MiraMagia unique is that it combines RPG and fantasy elements into its farm simulation, allowing users to choose…

Top eCommerce New Year’s Resolutions

ecommerce business

Making resolutions is a fun way to focus your priorities for the year ahead. Make sure your ecommerce business is on track with these top New Year’s resolutions. Embrace all the holidays. At this point you might be thoroughly over the year-end holidays. However, the calendar is full of holidays which are fantastic potential opportunities for boosting revenue. You don’t have to be a jeweler to take advantage of Valentine’s Day or a florist to take advantage of Mother’s Day. Plan out your promotions calendar now to strategize your holiday…

Present a robot to make deliveries door to door

robot make deliveries

Starship Technologies, the company created by two of the founders of Skype, in London presented their latest invention: a robot for self shipments at home. The idea is to offer a greener alternative, in principle, at least, that scooters or trucks that are used to make deliveries door to door, since it’s a device with an electric motor. In this case, with a robot capable of carrying ten kilograms of cargo (two bags grocery shopping, as defined by its creators), which will go down the path at a speed of…