Laser Light Source Projector: The most powerful projector of Sony

Laser Light Source Projector

Sony has reason to remove and chest and feels proud of his latest creation, Laser Light Source Projector technology. The Japanese giant gets his projector family to talk about and is placed at the top of the ladder with an innovative laser device. Not any projection system, Sony claims is the most powerful in its class and the first model of the world that features 3LCD technology. It follows the popular design VPL-FH36 you see in the image model considered the best of its kind in European lands. The chassis…

Applications in the cloud

cloud technology

With the advent of Cloud technology work the way users has changed significantly. While before the applications used in day to day was required to be installed on each computer, with the advent of the cloud it is no longer necessary, since different applications are installed in this service where users access them from any device that can connect to the network, whether it is a smartphone, a laptop or a desktop. More and more users and companies who opt for this type of service for their business, due to…

Theft Prevention and Intrusion Detection

data server

Security and access control is one of the most important aspects of setting up any data center or communications room system. Because of strict government regulations in the UK on data security, data retention and access control, as a company you will need to comply with these strictures to make sure your business is running as smoothly as possible. You will also be able to insure yourself in the long term against major losses, because backup systems, CCTV, intruder alarms, motion detectors and even lock-down systems can all assist in…

Making the Most Out of Mobile Search

mobile optimization

With the turn of the new year dozens upon dozens of updates have flooded social networks and blogs alike, all trying to make sense of the last year’s trends in the field of SEO and online marketing and predict what this next year has in store for us all. One of the commonest predictions this year (and, indeed last year as well) is that 2013 will be the first year to see a truly large expansion of the mobile search sector. Mobile search has been growing exponentially for years and…

Types of web hosting

types of web hosting

Web hosting is the dedicated space which includes the website for publication on the Internet. Types of web hosting that can be considered are: Free shared web hosting: Many companies offer free hosting, some as an extra to a contracted service (such as internet companies) and others in order to display their advertising through a banner. It tends to be used by personal web pages, even some companies and business people use it, but if you want to go seriously with the web page it is better to invest a…

Did Your Data Ride Out The Recent Storms?

data recovery

It can be a devastating moment when you make the discovery that the irreplaceable information that was once taken for granted as just ‘being there’ has now disappeared. The recent terrible Hurricane Sandy storms and especially the power outages in the Manhattan and New Jersey areas have generated a huge need for data recovery in New York. As many businesses rebuild, they will be recovering equipment that appears to be unusable and wondering what they can do to recover their data. Fortunately there are companies who have the equipment and…

Surveillance Cameras: Which one to go for?

surveillance camera

With the increasing need of high security, one can find a surveillance camera almost everywhere. For those who are unaware, surveillance camera are a type of CCTV cameras that move left and right to keep a check on the whole of the surroundings and not just in one direction. Gone are the days when only the popular and wealthy businesses could afford them. Now-a-days, almost everyone can buy them for their business place or home for added security. And with various types of surveillance cameras available today, the question of…

Xerox ColorQube 8900: an analysis of the solid ink technology

Xerox ColorQube 8900

One of the most interesting printing technologies of recent times is undoubtedly Xerox solid ink, a type of printing has reached a quite acceptable assessments of price and speedy printing. One of its main handicap is the lack of knowledge that still have many users and companies on the major difference is compared to traditional ink, and closer to the laser technology for target audience and performance. This printing technology uses non-toxic waxes that generate 90% less waste than the comparable laser printers, which is a great advantage when you…

YouTube includes interactive questions in videos

youtube questions tool

The company Google has just added a new feature to its video platform, which is in turn the most populous Internet platform. Today we have to talk about a new option that is available in beta and will see integrated into the YouTube video editor from now. In fact, you will not have to wait any longer to try it. It is, as we said, of an option to improve the videos, but in this case it is a new section of questions. We explain. This is a new tool…

The Facebook advertising works better than Google

Facebook advertising

Google have just attacking where it hurts the most: advertising. And according to information that just offered several partners who are testing the new system of Facebook, Facebook Exchange (FBX), the social network advertising works much better than ads on Google in web browsing. The data are quite impressive. According Triggit Inc., which makes software to help Facebook to offer these ads, FBX generates an economic return four times greater than other similar systems. From AdRoll, for its part, say that if well before the advertisers earn approximately $10 for…