What Businesses Can Learn about Cyber Security from the Sony Hack

cyber security

Remember the Sony hack? It is the most devastating cyber security breach any big company has faced in the past decade. Sony lost millions of dollars due to the hack, not to mention the devastating blow to the company’s reputation. The authorities are still investigating the group responsible for the attack. The U.S. government has said the hack was initiated by a North Korea-affiliated group. Regardless, Sony is not getting back what it lost. The U.S.-based studio and the parent corporation in Japan are still recovering from the loss. Sony…

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Nissan will launch its first car with autopilot

nissan ProPilot technology

The manufacturer Nissan Motor announced the launch in August its first driverless car, the first range media with this type of system and the most comprehensive to date, according to the company. The firm revealed in the global presentation of the new generation of its Serena model the ProPilot technology, which through a single front camera and various sensors detects the movement of the vehicle in front of it and, according to the same one, without the intervention of the driver, it accelerates, brakes and even stops. Through this system,…

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Five tips for not be spied through the cell phone

spied through cell phone

Whether through apps or viruses, one can be unknowingly being controlled through your cell; recommendations to prevent spying on it and, above all, to preserve our security. With the arrival of mobile phones will be intelligent opened a wide range of possibilities when it comes to perform espionage: from installing spyware applications can easily access to listeners telephone (ignited the microphone even when the phone is turned off), track a person movements, read their emails, view their photo gallery and access all personal information that is hosted there.

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How to Do Digital Marketing on a Budget

digital marketing

Budgeting is a big issue for start-ups and small businesses. More often than not, new ventures find it extremely difficult to cover basic expenses. So, it’s not uncommon to find a start-up too strapped for cash to run a good digital marketing campaign. However, money should not be a big issue when it comes to marketing. The beauty of digital marketing is that it can benefit anyone, regardless of the budget. Digital marketing costs way less than traditional print marketing. Even a company with a limited budget can glean enormous…

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How Apps Have Influenced The Way We Do Business

mobile apps

When you look at what mobile phones can do today, it’s incredible to think that they’ve been around since the seventies. Pretty much everything in our lives has been affected by the feverish development of mobile tech, and the world of business is no exception. In this post, we’ll look at some of the major ways that apps have changed the way we do business. The first big area that mobile apps have changed is customer interaction. The internet was the first tech revolution that made customer interaction extremely efficient.…

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6 Ways the Internet Can Boost Your Business’s Profits

web based advertising

Everyone knows by now that web-based advertising is the future of promotional campaigns. If your business does not yet have a website, then you probably won’t have a business a couple of years from now. So, let’s look at how you can use the vast internet to your business’s benefit: Attract New Users with SEO Optimise your website with SEO to get higher rankings on search results. The higher you rank, the better your traffic will be. Now, there is no guarantee that the traffic SEO sends to your website…

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Should Your Small Business Invest in Mobile Marketing?

invest in mobile marketing

Small businesses are often operating on a tight budget. Unlike with big corporations, there are no spare funds for experimental advertising tactics. Small businesses tend to stick to tried and proven marketing tactics to save up on resources. While it may save money in the short term, it can cost small businesses customers in the long term. Also, it can prevent small businesses from catching up on latest advertising trends, like mobile marketing. If you are a small business owner, you must have wondered what the big deal is about…

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LG launches in India a TV that repels mosquitoes

LG TV repels mosquito

LG has launched a new TV for the Indian market not noted for its resolution, range of colors or brightness of the screen, but its star feature is its ability to repel mosquitoes. The South Korean manufacturer has incorporated into the TV Mosquito Away Technology system that, through ultrasonic waves imperceptible to humans, promises to keep away mosquitoes from the electronic devices. This technology has already been enabled by the company in other appliances such as air conditioners and washing machines, however, is especially interesting on TV since they because…

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A bracelet to correct bad habits

pavlok system

If the credit card account is not enough to correct the compulsion for purchases, now there is a new – and dramatic – option. The British company Intelligent Environments developed a system consisting of a virtual platform that links to Pavlok smart bracelet to send small electrical shock to the wrist of the user when expenses exceed the desired level. Pavlok, bracelet correcting bad habits like smoking, nail biting or spend a lot of time online, now is also a guardian takes care of pockets. The Intelligent Environments system access…

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Moto G4: Moto G becomes large

Moto G4

The challenge was not easy. Overcome the weight of fame of the legendary Moto G a smartphone chosen as the best end of the year by different means in its successive versions, seemed something really difficult to achieve. But Motorola has not wavered in the commitment and the expected fourth generation of the device comes loaded with heavy ammunition in its chassis and performance. Now the manufacturer has exceeded the minimum low-cost label that showed the previous versions and now it is located in a position of economic mobile with…

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