The anti-noise personified with the headphones Sony MDR-1000X

headphones Sony MDR-1000X

During IFA 2016 press conference, the manufacturer Sony has unveiled the release of new noise-cancelling headphones, The MDR-1000X. Besides its ability to offer a fully immersive music by annihilating the surrounding noise, it offers customization of audio rendering, depending on the shape of the head and helmet. For several years, Sony designs and sells audio helmets which suggested a function of surrounding noise. Thus, listening is more immersive thanks to different technologies. Here, the Japanese automaker goes beyond the simple analysis of the sound environment. Indeed, the MDR-1000X headphones incorporates…

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Windows 10 Data Recovery: Get Damaged based Lost Photo Recovered

Windows 10 data recovery

Have your data disappears from Windows 10 computer? Are you looking for the best and convenient solution of Windows 10 data recovery? If yes then you’ve come to the right place. In this post you will get to know about data loss reasons from Windows 10 computer and simple solution of free data recovery software. Well, Windows 10 is the newest version of the operating system that comes with some advanced features. Its interface is very interactive and easy to use. On the other hand, many of its users go…

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Facebook fights the ad blockers with ads that cannot be blocked

facebook fights ad blockers

At the end of last year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, warned investors of the danger posed by the rise of advertisements blockers, ad blockers, for the accounts of the social network. Now Facebook has begun to combat it with a new type of advertising that makes useless advertising developed by companies of software such as AdBlock, that yes, it allows the user to customize which ads the user wants to see. The company explains that when ads “are relevant and well done, can be useful to help us find new…

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Google launches a new application try to sink Skype and FaceTime

google duo

The giant Google is almost the owner of Internet. Thanks to its search engine, to its email Gmail and Android mobile the company of Mountain View is omnipresent in the network. However, there is a small redoubt of the market that resists: videoconferencing. When it comes to talking face to face, Skype from Microsoft is the King of computers and tablets, while FaceTime has no rival in the iPhone mobile. Now the mega-corporation also wants participate in that segment, and will launch Duo.

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Cowarobot R1, robotic suitcase that follows you wherever you go

Cowarobot R1

The “smart” bags are fashionable. For some reason the idea of a suitcase can be connected to our mobile phone is something that people are looking for, especially by the idea that to be connected, it will be always localized. Thus was born the Bluesmart suitcase, but now there is an innovation that goes beyond with Cowarobot R1, the suitcase that follows you. This is literal, the suitcase is able to follow through that is connected to your phone that always carry with you. Surely not see at first glance…

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DTEK50: Blackberry without keyboard based on Android

BlackBerry DTEK50

BlackBerry tries to get out of a coma with a device manufactured by Alcatel with entrepreneurial soul…. Here is the first BlackBerry phone with Android for the first time does not include a physical keyboard: BlackBerry DTEK50. As might be expected from BlackBerry, its strong point is the security, reinforcing their applications and services with the current version of Android. Perhaps its design sounds vague and the fact is that this time bet BlackBerry for sending its new mobile manufacturing to an external company again, in this case the Chinese…

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Aquila: Facebook solar airplane gives free internet connection

aquila facebook solar plane

Facebook is now a company that apart from having a social network and social applications and more used in the world conversation, has a solar plane. It’s weird to think Facebook as a company with aircraft, but it is. Aquila, the first solar plane that will be connecting to the internet, has lifted the flight for the first time. This is the first public evidence of the Facebook idea to create a network of solar aircraft that will fly over areas without internet access or phone to give them connectivity.…

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Sony launches its new digital camera for amateurs, the RX10 III

The Sony brand has not really become known in the world of digital photography as product quality devices but also various components that are pretty widely acclaimed by fans but also other manufacturers to equip their own devices or digital devices. Thus, the manufacturer has announced the release of a new model of the RX10, the RX10 III with a new 24-600 mm lens. In the field of photography, several criteria are relatively high. At the forefront, the sensor that is here, on the RX10 III uses a 1.0 type…

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Six tips to properly charge your cell

properly charge your cell

Just as there are tricks to make your cell phone battery give up more throughout the day, there are some tips so that this does not deteriorate and have a longer life. Although it is difficult to see at a glance, our mobile batteries lose capacity as months pass, so we’ll give you a few tips that will allow you to delay this process. Turn off your phone so often Our smatrphones are not prepared to be working 24 hours a day without stopping. A good tip to extend the…

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How to Choose Power Supply for Your Gaming Computer?

choose power supply

The power supply topic is frequently overlooked. This PC component deserved much more attention that it gets, especially when the user wants to build a strong, reliable system, capable of an enviable performance and especially able to handle the biggest and best games. Selecting a power supply for your pc Accepting whatever the computer comes with is no good idea. Also, selecting doesn’t come easily – it cannot be based only on wattage and more of this does not mean it will actually be better. If you wish for a…

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