Invent a device that eliminates menstrual pain

livia eliminates menstrual pain

It works with the use of electrodes that stimulate the nerve in the pelvic area so that the painful sensation does not come to the brain. It lasts approximately 15 hours. A group of scientists and Iranian researchers invented a device called Livia that eliminates menstrual pain running through a clip that is placed in the pants and two electrodes which are attached to the lower abdomen by rubber patches, adjusting it to according to the intensity of the pain suffered.

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New keyboards allow you to write on mobile with one hand

google keyboard

The mobile screens are getting bigger and, with them, also grow keyboards. That’s why, the farthest reach of the letters from the thumb becomes a task somewhat complicated to write with one hand. Google has already solved this problem by releasing a new update of the implementation of their keyboard, which provides new functions and features, like the possibility of adapting it so that to write with only one hand turns out to be easier. To activate it, you need to download the application Google Keyboard, then you must hold…

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Samsung presents the first immersive video camera for the consumer market

Gear 360

Samsung closes the circle. Not comply with having the most popular virtual reality glasses Oculus VR, which work only with some of their phones, but they want consumers to share their daily lives, as they do now with videos and photos in that format. On April 29 goes on sale Gear 360, a simple camera, dual lens, intended for democratizing the creation of content for its glasses. It will cost less than $400. One of the most interesting and creative points is that the programs are included to be able…

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iPhone SE, a model for newcomers

apple iphone

Apple made us believe that the four inches were the optimum screen size. Until the autumn of 2014 that was their mantra. While other manufacturers, especially Samsung, began to be tested beyond five, even came to create a hybrid category between mobile and tablets, phablets, the Cupertino maintained their proposal. With the arrival of the iPhone 6 and 6S, changed the philosophy, but never put aside, 5S, 5C and now with iPhone SE, the most popular mobile size. The movement of Apple reinforces a trend: in 2015 only sold 30…

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A pistol-shaped iPhone, latest weapons in the US?

ideal conceal pistol

In the market there are covers for iPhones and smartphones that can turn them into anything. Some even weapon shaped. And these are quite realistic. But it had never occurred to the contrary, that a weapon had the form of a Mobile phone. Until today, of course. Because the Ideal Conceal Pistol, recently filed in the US, it seems, at first glance, a next-generation smartphone. But it’s a 9 mm small caliber pistol as deadly as any other one. The gun, which is designed to go on sale for $395…

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A notebook to write, erase in the microwave and rewrite

RocketBook Wave

The notebook is called RocketBook Wave. And it is intended as a temporary scorer, relied on technology to protect their content, rather than in a notebook that is preserved for years and years: it is a twist to the classic scorer that we carry from one side to another and that once depleted its pages, we throw away or not return to open ever. The idea of Rocketbook is not that what on its pages is noted down remains written there for years, but that task falls to a smartphone:…

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iPhone SE: How it compares with the iPhone 5S

iPhone SE against iPhone 5S

While most manufacturers opt for models with increasingly large phone display, this time Apple decided to restore the original size of their smartphone introducing the iPhone SE, a model with 4 inch display which will cost $400 (US for the 16GB model). In exterior design it is identical to the iPhone 5S, a device presented in 2013 that the company decided to discontinue and is no longer available in its catalog of products. To justify this decision, Apple said that in the past year have sold about 30 million smartphones…

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Portable Arms Reduce Human Error on the Floor

portable arm

As metrology moves increasingly closer to the production floor, portable coordinate measuring machines like the ROMERare becoming must-have instruments. Portable arms live up to their name: they are lightweight and easy to transport from one site to another or through factory floors. Unlike large footprint metrology equipment, it easily fits through doors and can work around the activity of any shop. Its latest version, the ROMER Absolute Arm, has improved on previous models by including an encoder that assigns an absolute value to the position of the tool’s joints. This…

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Typing on the air, the proposal of Google to interact with technology

Project Soli

You will soon be able to write an email with simple gestures on the air without touching buttons or screen. That is the proposal of Google for Project Soli, a prototype that the company presented last year at its developer conference, and already has a group of engineers who are experimenting with this new system. Alex Bravo is one of the developers who received one of these kits, and recorded in a video the capabilities of Project Soli when writing a text in Gmail simply by moving their fingers above…

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Toyota develops a collar which serves as a guide for the blind people

Project Blaid

As if it were a GPS for people in indoor environments, Toyota aims to develop a platform for assisting blind people with Project Blaid, a wearable device focused on urban mobility inside buildings. Among its outstanding features, the system can detect objects and posters, identify where the toilets, stairs or elevator and the emergency exits are. Project Blaid allows blind users to better explore the interior spaces of airports, offices or shopping malls. At the same time, Toyota plans to that device in the future add a mapping system and…

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