Set the standard for the new reversible USB

reversible USB

The next USB connector is reversible. The group that promotes this standard; announced it last December; and in April the first images of met what could be the new record. But the design is finalized: the USB Promoter Group announced the type-C connector (the current ones are A and B) for the USB. What is its greatest strength? It is reversible, i.e., do not meet its position when inserted into the USB port. That’s the good news, like the fact that it allows more bandwidth for data transfer (10 Gbps)…

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Microsoft plans to launch an application to create videos in hyperlapse

create videos in hyperlapse

The company experienced a new function for mobile devices to capture video on the technique known to time-lapse mode combine with camera shake and achieve a very stable movement… Microsoft experiments with an application to take videos in the first person with a technique known as hyperlapse based on combining multiple images taken at timelapse style, but here are taken with a moving camera and a stabilization process. The modality is often complex and requires special planning in the use of video cameras, but the company plans to streamline the…

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Creates a chip that functions as a brain

Researchers from IBM introduced a chip that the size of a postage stamp that operates like a supercomputer and mimics the functioning of the human brain. For example, in a standard video test could recognize the presence of people, cyclists, trees and other objects with greater accuracy, speed and economy than any conventional computer resources. The chip so-called “neurosynaptic” opens up a whole range of possibilities in computing, from cars that run themselves to artificial intelligence systems that can be installed on smartphones, explained their creators. Researchers at IBM, Tech…

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Peugeot and LoJack launched an app to locate cars

Car Safe

Just as mobile phones and tablets can be administered remotely through the use of GPS, vehicles can also use this technology to expand the services and benefits that it can have on hand in the driver, beyond using the hands-free service or synchronize a smartphone. Thus, functions as locating a vehicle in a parking lot or limit its use to certain areas using a mobile phone are now possible by applying Car Safe, developed jointly by Peugeot and the company of localization and recovered from vehicles LoJack and available exclusively…

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Here is the LG smartphone with curve screen

LG G Flex

There are only two smartphones with curved screen. One is the Samsung Galaxy Round and the other, the LG G Flex . None of these phones is the top end of respective companies. In fact, weeks ago, both companies submitted its flagships. Samsung did with the Galaxy S5 and LG with the G3. The first interaction when holding the phone with the screen occurs. It’s almost impossible not to give it spins back and forth and appreciate its curvature. It is not very pronounced, but flexible. If enough pressure is…

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Warn against possible cyber attacks based on USB connectors

usb key

The software responsible for administering this popular type of connection used by mobile phones, memory sticks and peripherals can be modified to electronic surveillance and remote control of equipment, according to a report from German specialists. The USB devices can operate as the spearhead of a potential hacker attack on personal computers, either through a keyboard, a memory key or other accessories that use this type of connection, according to a report published by the Computer Security firm SR Labs Berlin, Germany. Under this scheme, an attacker could modify the…

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Shark Cove: New microcomputer developed by Microsoft

Shark Cove

In mid-2011, the Raspberry Pi Foundation presented what had been promising for several years: a low-cost microcomputer developed with the objective of making available to all new technologies and to spread learning of programming. This initiative, thanks to its low cost and its spirit open source, achieved widespread throughout the world, especially among programmers and fans, which began to develop a community and an entire application environment and new utilities around this small plate inexpensive hardware and open source software.

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Motorola unveils a temporary tattoo to unlock phone

motorola digital tattoo

In the middle of 2013, in full romance with Google, Motorola came out to spread some of the interesting projects on which it was working for, taking advantage of technological advances radically change the experience of mobile users. The axis, on which the company was working at that time owned by Google, was the customization and the safety of the equipment. One of the projects was a digital tattoo that allows us to unlock the phone without having to remember a password or a gesture pattern and avoiding the fingerprint…

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Microsoft plans to launch a unified Windows for PC and mobile devices

microsoft unified windows

In the middle of the diverse internal changes through that Microsoft lives, its chief Satya Nadella announced that the new edition of Windows will search unify all mobile devices and computers under a single operating system. “We will simplify the next version on a platform available for all screens”, said the executive. Part of this objective had been unveiled by Nadella at Build Conference, with ads that aimed to make more flexible the platform with a common environment for computers and tablets with Windows 8.1, phones with Windows Phone 8.1…

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Sony launches HD Walkman to compete with the iPod

Walkman ZX1

Just under 13 years ago Apple presented the first model of iPod, the digital music player that would dethrone the Walkman. For that moment was nearly two decades that the tape player, compact disc and then was synonymous with portable music. However, before long the iPod managed to steal the throne and put it to the disappearance. Now, 35 years after its launch, Sony takes revenge and seeks to reclaim its leadership in the segment of portable music. How will they do it? With its brand new Walkman ZX1, a…

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