A pocket antenna allows you to create a network of own chat


GoTenna, a device that allows you to create a wireless communications network for medium range where there is no cell phone service, using any Android phone or iPhone, and an antenna that can enter into any backpack, and has its own battery. The idea behind GoTenna is to allow anyone who has that antenna to communicate with other users relatively nearby, in areas where no mobile phone service, and rural areas, mountains, places where the congestion charge falls – a stadium – other countries not to pay roaming, and so…

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Jibo, an electronic assistant for home

jibo robot

Without the design and appearance of other androids seeking to interact with humans, Jibo aims to be a center of family entertainment and educational content. Some are powerful and accurate arm to work in factories, while others have features that emulate a human face almost perfectly: the robots want to go beyond the repetitive tasks set to move to a more friendly relationship with people. In its own way, and without taking the physiognomy that have the Androids, Jibo seeks to position itself as a home reference robot. Recognizes natural…

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IBM and Apple partner to bring iOS to the corporate world

ibm and apple partner

IBM will partner exclusively with Apple to sell iPhones and iPads equipped with applications for business customers from the fall, the company announced yesterday. The announcement, which comes two days before IBM reports its results of the second quarter, comes as the firm intends to focus on software and services while their hardware unit continues to face problems, and after a series of acquisitions of software for mobile devices.

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What would the Windows future Start menu

windows future start menu

Microsoft plans to revive a feature that had been removed in its bid for devices with touch screen, and an image posted online showing how it will look; doubts about its availability in version 8.1. Since the release of Windows 8, Microsoft had to make various adjustments at the request of users, who lamented the removal of the Start menu and the insistent use of the interface known as Metro. Some changes were implemented with the update to version 8.1, but there is still the return of the most requested…

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LG displays a screen that can be roll up

LG Display

LG Display (part of the South Korean giant that manufactures screens) showed a flexible 18-inch OLED panel that can be rolled. It also showed a panel of the same size, but transparent. The prototype of flexible panel has a resolution of 1200 x 810, and can be a roll of 3 cm radius without affecting the operation of the screen; LG is thinking TV sets with 50-inch screens that can roll a sort of twist to classic roll-up screens that are used with the projectors. They did it by replacing…

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How does a call functions in a VoIP system?

voip call system

After detailing how it works in a conventional call, proceed to detail thoroughly a call on a complete VoIP phone systems: First: It should generate a signal from the computer or device that starts the conversation, this in turn is sent over the Internet to your computer or from your computer. Well this also depends on the type of VoIP and the company, the source and destination may be normal phones, and the call would only partially through VoIP, sometimes even without the user knows about it.

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HummingBoard, another low-cost mini computer


HummingBoard comes to compete with Raspberry Pi. Like that small computer (and others, such as Arduino or Intel NUC) offers a minimum size motherboard and relatively modest benefits: in this case, 1GHz ARM chip, 512 MB RAM and Ethernet connections, USB and the possibility of digital and analog audio, HDMI connection, mSATA, an infrared receiver and other options to assemble a computer small but complete with some variant of Linux; even they can to create an economic media player with a special version of XBMC. The novelty with respect to…

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Twitter plans to add an option to make purchases from a tweet

purchases from a tweet

The company made various tests to implement a function that allows users to purchase products and services platform with a “Buy now” button. Besides being a communication network, Twitter also wants to position itself as a platform for e-commerce, after learning a series of publications that had a “Buy now” button. The development was unveiled after learning a series of tweets a few items with apocryphal catalog price of a mobile store called Fancy.

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Manual controls coming to Android and iOS cameras

manual controls of the camera

The handset makers are betting a lot on smartphones cameras, as a way to differentiate themselves from their competitors. And the cameras, in turn, have progressed a lot since the first models. So much so that affects the sales of pocket models and offer a more than acceptable image quality for the majority of users. And judging by the latest advances in sensors and diaphragms, this will improve. With the Lumia 1020, Nokia was the first to offer manual controls in the SLR-style for the camera phone, which go beyond…

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Motorola shows how its intelligent smart watch Moto 360 works

smart watch Moto 360

Announced as one of the first smart watches based on the Android Wear platform, Moto 360 does not have a date of release, though it is estimated to arrive sometime this winter. However, Motorola took the announcement by Google in its developer conference and in an official video showed many of the features offered by their smartwatch designed with a round touchscreen. In this short demonstration, Moto 360 design does not differ with respect to any other model of traditional watch with a leather strap, a circular metal box and…

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