They manage to hack Samsung Galaxy fingerprint reader

hack Samsung Galaxy fingerprint reader

The biometric sensor of Samsung Galaxy S5 was one of the outstanding features of the smartphone of the South Korean company for the last Mobile World Congress. And a few days before its commercial release, the reader has managed to be hacked, after the announcement of analysts German security firm Security Research Labs, who managed to activate various functions and services through a copy of a fingerprint. The method is based on a mold made ​​with glue and graphite spray, and had already been used for the same security company…

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AMD Introduces Radeon R9 295X2, its fastest graphics card

Radeon R9 295X2

AMD introduced its new graphics card Radeon R9 295X2, a model that the company introduced the most powerful in the segment, and following in the footsteps of the versions presented in October last year, the Radeon R9 and R7. The company emphasized the integration of two units of graphic prosecution Radeon R9 Series in this model, that allow optimal performance to the most demanding graphics requirements of current and future games, even at 4K resolution screens.

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Twitter reveals new design that brings it closer to Facebook

Twitter reveals new design

The profile page of the Twitter users have a visual redesign, which will personalize a photo in the header and highlight the most interesting tweets. The company confirmed this change in a statement posted on its official blog, saying that the new view will be available beginning in a small number of accounts, but will be extended to other users around the world in the coming weeks. image from: At the time, Twitter has faced many changes in the appearance of its platform in order to reach a wider…

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A device can charge a cell battery in 30 seconds

charge cell battery

A new prototype developed by an Israeli company promises to complete the battery charge a cell phone in under a minute. With its origins in the Department of nanotechnology of the University of Tel Aviv, StoreDot presented a device based on peptides, a series of molecules made up of amino acids that can be used to reduce drastically the loading time of electronic devices. The demonstration, held at the conference of Microsoft Think Next, it was made with a Samsung Galaxy S4, but this Israeli start-up plans to adapt this…

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Amazon looking to get into the TV and launches its device Fire TV

Amazon Fire TV

The company led by Jeff Bezos introduced his team play multimedia content such as TV shows, movies and music that allows; also has an accessory that allows access to video games. Amazon introduced the Fire TV, the device that allows you to play multimedia content on the TV, such as TV shows, movies or music, many of which are present in the online catalog of the company led by Jeff Bezos. With this announcement, the Fire TV is positioned as a competitor to devices like the Apple TV, Roku Streaming…

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A transparent cell phone to avoid accidents in the street

transparent cell phone

Several companies seeking to develop features that will help unsuspecting pedestrians; Apple just released an order to patent a technology that allows you to see what is behind the phone. Are you one of those who can not stop looking at the phone even when you walk down the street? You’re not alone. Due to their inherently mobile nature, smartphones are often used while walking. This is fine for voice calls, but it is problematic for actions that require visual attention as reading or writing text messages.

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HTC and Samsung give a twist to smartphone cameras

samsung galaxy s5 camera

HTC includes two rear for more information about the image and remove the background from the foreground camera; Samsung adds, for the first time, the detection phases to a smartphone camera. In February showed the Samsung Galaxy S5; few days ago it was the turn to HTC One M8. Two very high-range smartphones, that will compete to be on the podium of the best of the year. They have some things in common (they use the same processor with the same amount of RAM, for example) and, of course, many…

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Drones, balloons and satellites, the recipe of Facebook to connect the world

drones for facebook

The leader of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, a group of experts in computer science, aeronautics and aerospace technology that are developing systems to carry Internet everywhere on the planet. Technicians, some of whom passed before NASA or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), studying the use of drones (small helicopters) and satellites can transmit Internet signals using infrared lasers. The team is part of the initiative by Zuckerberg in 2013 in collaboration with Nokia, Samsung and Qualcomm, among other companies, which aims to provide connectivity to 5000 million people living…

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Create a pen that detects spelling errors


Although the art of writing by hand seems a habit that is obsolete before the advance of electronic devices, a new invention could return the charm to wield a pen. While almost ubiquitous computers and mobile phones, allows avoiding embarrassing mistakes when typing, when it comes to writing with pen one is exposed. However, Lernstift (in German “pen to learn”) seems the dream of every parent or teacher: a pen that warns when the child makes a spelling mistake.

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How is Steam OS, the system that seeks to compete with Microsoft and Sony

characteristics of SteamOS

Valve is one of the most important companies in the video game market. Its franchises include Half Life, Counter Strike, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress, but its main business is software that acts as the shop with that small and large game development companies may sell and distribute their products in a flexible and transparent manner. Steam was erected years ago as the choice more important when buying games in digital form. Far from content with the success of the platform, Valve redoubled its commitment to the growing entertainment…

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